Breaking Up The Darkness

As I was driving to work today, the radio stations were all paying tribute to the Boston Marathon bombing that happened one year ago today. We live in MA, about an hour or so from Boston. I had friends that were running the marathon and friends that were there watching and cheering on their loved…

Love is love

The Original Boo and I have been together for more Valentine’s Days at this point than I can even count. Because I’m getting old. OB would also say that it’s because I count on my fingers and I don’t have enough fingers anymore… But when I think back over the years, one in particular always…


A girl with a sister has a best friend for life. My little sister is my closest friend and most trusted confidant. She is my opposite, but there is no one more like me. She keeps me sane, but can drive me crazy. She understands where I came from and will be with me no…

The truest love

Disclaimer: Truest may not even be a word. I haven’t checked… I will never forget the moment that I first felt the truest love. It was somewhere between 10:04 pm and 11:00 pm on July 21st, 2010. Princess Rapunzel (who was really only Baby Rapunzel at that time) had a tough delivery and after about…